In Pursuit of Blogging


As I remember in my last post, I planned to update this blog on the next day but unfortunately the workload from office suddenly came bugging me and I was fully occupied again. We just know how to plan but Allah knows better what will happen in the future.

Anyway, I will try to steal some time and do whatever I have mentioned earlier.. Perhaps you can see some changes in this blog..huhu.

Below was the TO-DO LIST based on the previous post and let's mark whichever that I have done:

1. Trash all the blog links that are no longer active. 
I thought most of the links were no more active but they were still alive! So, to make it more spicy, I have added some more links that are worth to be read.. Enjoy! =)

2. Change the category list. 'Rumors' is no longer relevant to me because I'm not good in following the latest news in Malaysia.

3. To include 'Haku.went.traveling' and 'Haku.getting.married' categories. Hehehe..
Haku.went.travelling -> Done. 
Haku.getting.married -> In-Progress  

4. To put watermark or reference/source on all the photos uploaded in here - supaye tidak kena saman di kemudian hari.
Done and uploaded some personal photos for traveling.

5. Find some interesting blogs to be linked from here.

6. Add more posts!

7. Need to change the blog design due to lame & boring layout - if I have the whole week off from work!
Not started yet.. 

p/s: This post will be updated from time to time.. =)

Got some air here to breath..


Sorry for not updating this blog for so long. It was not that I was too busy but I just don't have the feel to type in whatever I've been through moons ago. There were happy times, crucial moments and miserable situations that I have to deal with. It was all part of learning process to be a better person, aite?

Before this I have promised to a friend of mine to visit her in Penang while she was furthering her Bachelor degree in USM. It took me 6 years to make it happened. Then after the visit, I promised her again to update a blog about our trip in Penang.Yes here goes my bad habit - easily make promises without thinking of my ability to fulfill it. Honestly, I was just bluffing to Julia in FB that I have started to do some ground stories about the trip but actually, I haven't start any. Sorry ye Julia. I'll keep that promise but I'm not sure how long will I take to do it. 

So in order to ensure that I will blog about the special trip, I just have to set up a plan so that it will boost my mood to update this blog regularly.

Here goes the TO-DO LIST:

1. Trash all the blog links that are no longer active.
2. Change the category list. 'Rumors' is no longer relevant to me because I'm not good in following the latest news in Malaysia.
3. To include 'Haku.went.traveling' and 'Haku.getting.married' categories. Hehehe..
4. To put watermark on all the photos and reference - supaye tidak kena saman di kemudian hari.
5. Find some interesting blogs to be linked from here.
6. Add more posts!
7. Need to change the blog design due to lame & boring layout - if I have the whole week off from work!

I dare to say that I will start by tomorrow because I have plenty of time at this moment to do all the list above. My workload is getting slow and my wedding preparation is buffering while waiting for September. In other words, I will have until early September to finish blogging about the 'Penang trip'.

Ok guys. Catch you later!

Public Toilet

Last weekend, I went to Mid Valley with Mr. Fiance to see the Malay wedding Expo held in Hall 2, Exhibition Centre. Initially, I was so excited to do my survey for my wedding preparation but unfortunately, it turned out to be SO damn BORED. Probably because I can't find what I want in there and what made me most dissapointed was the price of photographer and videographer services are way too expensive! It was so beyond of my budget. I felt so stressed and now I need to recalculate again my budget to suit the latest demand. *sigh..

Supposedly, the earlier plan was to survey some bridal boutiques near Shah Alam but suddenly I heard there was the Malay Expo wedding held in Mid Valley. I never thought that the exhibition was so got glamorous as expected and we finally ended up our findings with a MOVIE. Hahaha.. Hampes. Sgt tidak menepati objektif pada hari itu.

Actually, that is not what I want to talk about. I want to tell you about a fact that you all MUST know every time you go to the public toilet. Or maybe you had the same experience as mine.

After having my Asar prayer, I went to the toilet next to Jaya Jusco in Mid Valley. Then, I prefer to do my stuff on the squat toilet rather than toilet bowl. While waiting for the cleaner to clean up the toilet, I saw something that was NOT really good to be seen.
At first, I saw the cleaner flush the toilet and used the water inside the bowl to clear out all the craps on the steps.

Source - Pak Cik Google

The most disgusting scene I've ever seen was, when she used the same water (inside the bowl) to clean up the flush tap and also the water tap that we used to clean ourselves! Of course, she didn't feel anything because she was wearing rubber gloves at that time. Can you imagine, if I straight away hold the tap and touch my tissue, what would happen? Then pull out my jeans and etc etc.. (nasib baik saya sudah solat!) Eiyuckkkk!!! Gle GELI!!! Normally I would do that just to ensure/check there will be water inside the toilet before I do my nature stuff.

So, thanks to the Mak Cik Cleaner as well for showing me the standard practice of cleaning the public toilet. I guess not all will be doing the same way, but who knows right? I'm just doing my job to educate people out there to be extra careful.

Till then, watch your surrounding everybody, you might save yourself and your loved ones! =)

Heal the empty soul..

Salam guys,

It's been a long time I haven't update this blog. I've been so busy of working and preparing a to-do list for my wedding which will be held end of this year. I'm still surveying and searching for the right person to bring up my wedding perfectly (Insya-Allah). And also getting busy having workout in gym just to get fit and stay in a good shape.

Apart of all of that, I feel that I'm missing something CRITICALLY important. Something that I used to get it and felt it long time ago. Now it seems to fade away and disappear.

The feeling of calm and peace of mind...

Source -

I learn that by looking at the green scenic helps you to get such a peaceful mind.. how can I get one in this hectic city??? =P

I admit that sometimes I forgot to do my prayers. I forgot to make doa before I start off my engine and go to work. I forgot to say the name of Allah whenever I want to eat. I forgot to thank Allah when He blesses my day with good news. These are all routines that I do everyday but does it enough for me to always remember Allah S.W.T in every step and every breath that I take?  

Lately, I feel so empty. I feel lost and still searching for what I should do in this ephemeral life. I try to awake myself by remembering all the lessons that I learned during the wedding course. I also keep reminding myself that we will not live eternally. We will not bring this wealth and all the beautiful luxuries in this world into our cold grave. 

I maybe sound quite religiously but actually I'm just a normal person. I'm just afraid that someday Allah will take away everything I have which I won't be ready to lose it now. Sometimes I maybe prejudice to some people who are very pious. I presume that they are narrow minded and like to accuse people like me for not behaving the right way as a muslim. But basically, what is more important, what we have in our hearts and nawaitu. I would say that Allah knows better about ourselves.

I know the reason why I feel like this. And I'm gonna correct it. At least I should be grateful that every time I drew myself away from Him, I feel as if there will be a bell rings as a sign and tells me to stay in the right path. Normally I use this approach (pls correct me if I'm wrong). If I'm not having a good day, it means that Allah is punishing me of breaking His rules or otherwise to diminish my punishment in hereafter. Wallahualam.. But still at that point, I knew that Allah still loves me.Thank you Allah..

Maybe some of you might feel the same way like me. I try to listen to nasyid to sooth my soul and fill-up the emptiness but none of them can catch my attention. I'm not really into that kind of music. There was one day, I was viewing my friend's video in FB and I heard this song. The song is not too catchy but enough to make me happy. I tried to find the mp3 and it brought me to the other songs. 

Surprisingly , I never heard that kind of songs (or I guess I was left too far behind the time.. =P ). All the songs are very wonderful. It makes me cry and realizes that there's no boundary to find a way for you to get closer to Him. I found that the singer is called Maher Zain. I believe that he is well known for those who love to listen to arabic songs (I think so la because he comes from Lebanon). Hehehe.

This is what I want to share with you guys. I post the link to the lyrics and if you're really interested to know the songs, please make some effort to find it in the net! =P

Trust me. There are so lovely and very nice songs. May Allah bless my friend who introduced these songs to me and guess what.. she will be a part of my family too end of this year... =)

Till then.. hope you guys enjoy the songs! =D

p/s: I felt so sad of losing the best comedian, Allahyarham Din Beramboi.. I just happened to meet him in Pavillion a couple of weeks ago before he passed away. I didn't know why I felt he was closed to me. Probably he was the one who responsible to cheer me up in the morning everyday with his funny chats with Pak Nil. I really love them both.

May he rest in peace.. Al-Fatihah.

Wedding Review - Kursus Perkahwinan

Salam dan selamat sejahtera.

Kali ni saya akan berbahasa Melayu kerana sejak kebelakangan ni, saya telah ditegur kerana bahasa Melayu saya semakin ke 'laut'. Mungkin hampir setiap hari saya cakap bahasa rojak jadi bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris saya semakin hancur. Tapi tak dela skema sangat. Nanti bosanla plak..hehehe..

Saje nak kongsi pasal Kursus Perkahwinan yang baru saya pergi 2 hari minggu lepas di Masjid Shah Alam anjuran Pejabat Agama Islam Daerah Petaling.

Source - Pak Cik Google
Peh.. besar jugakla Masjid Shah Alam ni.. =)

Niat saya pada asalnya hanya nak memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan kebenaran berkahwin. Tapi kursus tu sebenarnya sangat menyedarkan saya yang sangatlah blur2 ayam ni dan agak jauh menyimpang cara hidup saya dengan yang sepatutnya dituntut dalam Islam. Saya mengaku. Saya malu. Malu sbb terlalu mengejar ilmu dunia berbanding bekalan utk saya mati nanti.

Sesi pertama macam biasa. Ustaz lelaki muda menerangkan prosedur2 bagaimana nak daftar perkahwinan nanti. Diselangi dengan lawak2 18sx. Masa ni belum terasa lagi bahangnya.

Sesi ke-2 adalah dari pegawai kesihatan yang merupakan seorang doktor. Baru saya tahu selain Ujian HIV, Ujian penyakit Talasemia juga perlu kita jalani sbb nanti boleh tahu tentang status kesihatan bakal anak nanti. Masa ni paling tak boleh blah sbb doktor ni telah menayangkan babak2 SEBENAR kelahiran normal seorang bayi lelaki di depan kami semua. Dibekalkan dengan skrin yang agak besar, kami pun duduk menganga tidak menyangka akan ditayangkan video macam tu. Ramai yang dah cuak2, geli, tunduk, nak menangis pun ada. Kebanyakan perempuan mmg tunduk tak sanggup nak tengok. Saya menguatkan diri saya utk melihat juga sbb perasaan ingin tahu yang sangat tinggi. Bila saya tengok, timbul rasa sedih yang amat sangat. Betapa terseksanya Mama melahirkan kami semua dan SAYA bakal merasakan yang sama (jika diberi rezeki, Insya Allah).

Paling ngilu bila doktor/jururawat terpaksa menggunting kulit di bawah 'itu' untuk mengeluarkan bayi. Sudah keluar kepala belum lagi tamat ye. Waktu klimaks ialah mengeluarkan bahu bayi tu plak. Peh! Berdebar2 gila! Bahu dahla lagi besar daripada kepala. Macam manala teknik meneran yang betul agaknya. Huhuhu.. Ada 2 video, satu kelahiran normal dan satu lagi melalui pembedahan. Masa video pembedahan tu plak pasang lagu nasyid pasal ibu bapa (lagu Raihan rasanya). Sebak jugalah tapi perasaan risau lebih banyak bermain-main di kepala masa tu. Besar risiko nak kahwin ni. Kemudian doktor tu tunjukkan plak gambar2 untuk kelahiran bayi songsang yang mana keluar ikut punggung dulu. AaaaaAAaaaaa~ Sudahkah anda bersedia?????????

Source - Anonymous
Apelah rasenye perut boyot sebegitu rupe? =P

Kami juga diajar bagaimana nak memasang kondom dan tips2 bagaimana untuk berjimak. Tak perlu kot nak terang lebih sebab rasenya ramai yang sudah 'expert' bab ni. Tapi saya hampir nak pitam masa doktor tu terangkan sebab saya terlampau risau macam mana nak menahan sakit akibat daripada tusukan suami nanti. Takut gila tak hengat!!!

Sesi ke-3, 4 dan 5 diterangkan bagaimana nak menangani keluarga dari segi kewangan dan tentang akhlak dari segi Islam. Menarik jugalah sebab Ustaz yang bagi ceramah tu kelakar sangat sampai saya nak menulis pun tak boleh. Gila lawak. Walaupun tempat tak selesa sangat, tapi tetap terhibur dengan cara penyampaian Ustaz tu.

Sesi ke-6 disambung pada hari Ahad. Hari Ahad tu la yang paling kritikal sebab saya mulai sedar betapa rendahnya pengetahuan saya dalam Islam. Dalam sesi tu, ada seorang Ustazah menerangkan macam mana nak tangani stres. Cara dia bercerita memang sama macam Mama membebel. Mungkin bagi lelaki ada sedikit bosan, tapi bagi saya setiap apa yang dia kata penuh dengan pengajaran. Dia menasihati kepada bakal2 suami supaya jangan marah jika isteri suka bercerita. Itu lumrah isteri. Semua sama. Dan bakal2 isteri juga tidak boleh marah kalau suami buat tak tahu atau tak banyak cakap. Memang LUMRAH suami mmg macam tu plak.

Sekalipun kita dah bercinta lama berpuluh2 tahun pun, bila dah kahwin rasanya tetap lain berbanding masa bercinta. Masa itulah akan timbul stres sbb kita akan tahu banyak benda yang kita tak pernah tahu pasal pasangan kita. Sabar tu penting. Tapi kalau setakat sabar tanpa ikhtiar tak guna juga. Kita perlu slalu berdoa, ikhtiar dan tawakal kepada Allah S.W.T. Itu yang Ustazah tu cakap. Saya kagum melihat dia sbb dia cerita Allah pernah menduga dia menjadi lumpuh separuh badan hanya kerana mengalami demam biasa. Tapi dalam pada dia merana kerana lumpuh, Allah telah menemukan jodoh untuknya. Pesan Ustazah tu, setiap dugaan pasti ada ada hikmahnya. Wallahualam. Semoga Allah selalu memberkatinya. Aaaminn.

Kemudian kami pergi pula kepada tajuk yang paling digeruni, TALAK. Belum kahwin lagi dah cerita pasal talak. Jangan main2 ye. Ada pasangan yang kadang2 tidak sedar dah duduk serumah 10 tahun tapi tak tahu yang mereka sememangnya telah sah bercerai walaupun ungkapan itu dibuat main2. Ustazah yang menerangkan topik ni pun mmg nampakla agak serius. Dia kata, jika terdetik sahaja di dalam hati suami untuk menceraikan isterinya walaupun dia melafazkan kata2 tanpa menyebut perkataan cerai, gugurlah talaknya. Takut kan? Allah memberikan keistimewaan kepada lelaki untuk memegang kuasa talak ni sbb lelaki lebih panjang akalnya berbanding perempuan yang lebih banyak bertindak mengikut emosi. Saya sangat bersetuju! =P

Kemudian sesi terakhir ialah bsama Ketua Pendaftar Nikah bahagian Petaling, Tn. Hj. Aluwi. Sangat berpengalaman dan lawaknya sangat 'natural'. Katanya, tips utk jadi bahagia sampai bila2 iaitu:

a) Selalu solat berjemaah suami isteri sekurang-kurangnya satu waktu.
b) Isteri perlu sentiasa masak makanan untuk suami. Air tangan isteri penyebab kasih sayang suami semakin dalam terhadap isteri.
c) Suami isteri kena selalu tidur bersama.

Memang banyak yang saya belajar semasa kursus ni dan ia menyedarkan saya bahawa kita hidup suami isteri bukan sehingga nafas kita yang terakhir di dunia ni. Tetapi kita juga perlu berazam untuk bertemu kembali suami/isteri kita di akhirat kelak. Ustaz ada berpesan dengan bakal2 isteri supaya jangan takut mengandung dan sekalipun anda meninggal dunia ketika bersalin, pasti SYURGA sedang menanti. Isteri sangat beruntung kerana dosanya ditanggung suami manakala jika suami berbuat baik, pahala suami tu pun isteri dapat juga. Bertuah jadi isteri kan?

Itulah serba sedikit yang saya ingin kongsi. Mungkin ada tersilap info maafkan saya. Kepada bakal2 pengantin di luar sana, ambillah iktibar dan semoga kita dapat petunjuk dari Allah S.W.T supaya menetapkan hati kita untuk terus mengharap redhaNya dan perkahwinan kita selalu diberkatiNya.. Insya-Allah.

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