Have you seen THESE at your children's bottle? The yellowish colour at the teat..
The brand label is faded...

Photo source - www.mommyfleur.com
Most people are not aware that they need to change their children’s feeding bottle at certain duration of time. The outer looks of the bottle might be good and shows no flaws but we did not know what is actually happen inside the bottle.
We can see that sometimes the bottle changes colour from clear white to yellowish or those coloured bottle is faded. More worst when it started to produce 'smell' and leave marks on the bottle or on its nipple/teat.
Here are the main reasons WHY we need to change our childrens' bottle:
1. Frequent sterilizing the bottle - or even worse you put the bottle into the hot boiling water!
2. Regular use of liquid cleanser - we never know the long-term effect!
3. Scratch/dent on the bottle
4. Label/Logo or the scale at the bottle is faded
It is recommended that we change the BOTTLE for EVERY 6 MONTHS (especially for PP - polypropylene bottle) while the TEATS for EVERY 3 MONTHS.
The reason is the quality of the plastic (even with BPA free) will deteriorate due to wear and tear. The wear and tear might caused by the high temperature of the hot boiling water that we used to make the formula milk.
The chemical culprit or used to be named as BPA (Bisphenol-A) could be released if the bottle is exposed too long or too often with the hot boiling water. This chemical can imitate our body's hormone in a way that could be hazardous for health. Babies and young children are said to be especially sensitive to the effects of BPA. The possible health effects of BPA to us are such as heart disease, diabetes, brain malfunction, breast cancer, asthma and etc.
So what do WE DO to prevent these diseases? Remember, PREVENTION is better than cure! So you better check your kids' bottles mommies!
Mommy EEZ
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