Showing posts with label Miscellaneous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miscellaneous. Show all posts

Sultan Kedah mangkat - Pengalaman bersama Almarhum Sultan Abdul Halim

Salam takziah dari patik, seorang rakyat dari Kuala Lumpur buat semua rakyat Kedah. Semoga roh Almarhum DYMM Sultan Abdul Halim ditempatkan bersama2 dgn orang2 beriman..

Mommy EEZ ada pengalaman istimewa dengan Almarhum Sultan Kedah ni..hehehe. Mommy EEZ pernah berjumpa dengan Almarhum Sultan Abdul Halim ni secara LIVE sekali je dengan anak perempuan beliau pada tahun 2011. Masa tu dalam flight. Memang blur sangat masa tu dgn perut sedang memboyot (preggy kan kakak Raihan) Semua escort2 istana masa tu pandang slack je kat Mommy EEZ. Ye la mungkin mereka fikir pakaian Mommy EEZ tak berapa proper agaknya yang hanya dibalut sweater gebu belang2 dengan seluar yankee.. hokey tipu. Seluar maternity le.. hehehe. Apakan daya baju kemeja dah tak muat masa tu sebab perut dah memboyot 5 bulan. Nak dibandingkan dengan para escort orang istana yang segak bergaya dengan memakai blazer dan songkok manakala yang perempuan memakai baju kurung nan indah bertatahkan intan permata swaroski.. agaknye la. Hahaha.. or maybe sebab Mommy EEZ tak buat sembah duli kot. Sorry la sebab masa tu memang blur yg amat sangat tak tau nak buat apa. Rasa awkward sangat macam out of nowhere tetiba datang menyembah duli dengan gaya ala2 penguin tu. Papepun dapatlah tengok adat istiadat sultan bila naik flight kan. Kerusi kena alas dgn kain kuning. Towel pun kena warna kuning. Barang2 cutlery yang disediakan utk kegunaan sultan dan kerabat diraja pun mestilah berbeza daripada rakyat marhaen kan. Lepas tu semua pramugari/pramugara dan pilot/co-pilot datang menyembah duli menghadap Almarhum kemudian Almarhum dibawa melawat kokpit kapal terbang oleh Mr. Pilot. Masa tu dah nampak sangat Almarhum agak uzur sebab beliau jalan pun agak slow. Untuk pengetahuan am buat kita semua, Almarhum sempat jadi Yang Dipertuan Agong sebanyak 2 kali. Anak perempuan beliau (tak silap yang Mommy EEZ nampak ialah Tunku Intan Safinaz kot) duduk sebelah Almarhum dalam flight tu di seat bahagian depan sekali sebelah kiri. Nampaklah beliau tegur2 mat saleh2 dekat seat2 berdekatan. Mommy EEZ duduk kat belakang cuba untuk mengecilkan (sembunyi) diri yang tak berapa nak kecik ni.. hahaha!

Memang pengalaman yang tak boleh nak dilupakan. Sepanjang flight tu asyik fikir nak pergi sembah duli ke tak. Perasaan malu dan bersalah tu sangat menghantui betul. Last2 disebabkan flight memakan masa dalam 5 jam dengan otak yang serabut mabut tu,  lebih baik Mommy EEZ layan tido dapat juga melegakan pinggang yang sakit menampung perut yang memboyot tu. Unfortunately seat MAS tu agak tak berapa selesa walaupun dah buat full stretched utk baring. Dilema orang berkaki sepanjang 1 meter.

Apa2 pun, sebagai rakyat marhaen, patik doakan semoga Allah mengurniakan limpah rahmat  ke atas roh Almarhum dan ditempatkan bersama2 dengan para solihin.. aaaminn!

Salam 2011 dengan status BARU!

Greetings to all,

I feel like I haven't update this blog for ages! Lots and lots of stuff to be put in here. I've been busy with the big events and all the new routines that I need to get used with. It's pretty tough and it ain't easy as I thought before. Being a wife is like you are capable to do multi-tasking at one time. Seriously, I've got tonnes of stories to tell you all about the wedding, wedding reviews, new year, new status, new roommate.. etc.

Before that, I'm gonna wish you Happy New Year 2011 and pray for the prosperous and wonderful years ahead await us. Although, most of us knew that our earth is dying from time to time, but still we can't give up! Live life to the fullest and make the most of it! Stay cool and stay focus in everything you do. =D

I can't wait to start updating this blog regularly, but am still struggling to adapt with my new life. Anyway, that will be such a lame reason. Hopefully, I'm gonna spare some time tomorrow for blogging. I have some good and bad reviews to share with you all and hope it can help the 'bride and groom to-be' out there. My intention is pure and generous. Please don't spam me or send me bugs just because I say something nasty about your services. 

So, wait till the beautiful sun rises tomorrow morning.. Tata! =D

Have a nice weekend everyone!

TAGGED by Pieka

A few weeks ago, I had nothing to do during weekend so I did some blog hopping. Then suddenly I found this..

 This is totaly cute as I loveeee to see all the cats behind this award! Hehehe!

I'm supposed to put this on my left column of my blog but I'm still having a problem on how to edit the HTML script for this blog template. Am not really good in fixing this coding thingy..

Anyway, this girl tagged me in one of her post. You can see that she posted something on my chit chat thread and requested me to do her tag post. Fine, in order to respect and fulfill her wish so here goes the list.. Hope you enjoy it.

Penatlah asyik cakap benda serius je kan, so why don't I chill out a bit and have some fun!

1- Name one person who made u laugh last night?
Wan Ahmad Hamdi

2- What were u doing 1 hour ago?
Non-stop chewing, eating and blogging

3- What was da last thing you said out loud?
When I pissed off I used to say - MACAM HARAM!!

4- Where's da next place you're going to?
The boring place on earth - Office

5- What was da last thing u paid for?
Vanilla Walls Ice-cream

6- Where were u last nite?
In my home sweet home

7- What's da best ice-cream flavour?
Vanilla always on my top fave

8- Do u wanna cut your hair?
Yes, I want it so badly.

9- Do u love to 'melatah'?
Not at all.

10- If that so(melatah), what will u said out loud?
Oh Mak kau - ala2 OMG versi Usher. Hehehe

11- What does da last text-msg received say?
Contact no. for "Kakak"

12- Will u get married in da future?
In another I month plus..

13- Do u chew on your straw?
If I'm nervous or losing control of my bad habit!

14- Do u make-up your own words?
Sometimes - just to save my ass

15- Is there anyone u like/love right now?
Yes, there is.

16- Tag to other 5 bloggers/more
Jaga2 nnt aku tembak korang secara rawak

Sekian, Terima Kasih.


In Pursuit of Blogging


As I remember in my last post, I planned to update this blog on the next day but unfortunately the workload from office suddenly came bugging me and I was fully occupied again. We just know how to plan but Allah knows better what will happen in the future.

Anyway, I will try to steal some time and do whatever I have mentioned earlier.. Perhaps you can see some changes in this blog..huhu.

Below was the TO-DO LIST based on the previous post and let's mark whichever that I have done:

1. Trash all the blog links that are no longer active. 
I thought most of the links were no more active but they were still alive! So, to make it more spicy, I have added some more links that are worth to be read.. Enjoy! =)

2. Change the category list. 'Rumors' is no longer relevant to me because I'm not good in following the latest news in Malaysia.

3. To include 'Haku.went.traveling' and 'Haku.getting.married' categories. Hehehe..
Haku.went.travelling -> Done. 
Haku.getting.married -> In-Progress  

4. To put watermark or reference/source on all the photos uploaded in here - supaye tidak kena saman di kemudian hari.
Done and uploaded some personal photos for traveling.

5. Find some interesting blogs to be linked from here.

6. Add more posts!

7. Need to change the blog design due to lame & boring layout - if I have the whole week off from work!
Not started yet.. 

p/s: This post will be updated from time to time.. =)

Got some air here to breath..


Sorry for not updating this blog for so long. It was not that I was too busy but I just don't have the feel to type in whatever I've been through moons ago. There were happy times, crucial moments and miserable situations that I have to deal with. It was all part of learning process to be a better person, aite?

Before this I have promised to a friend of mine to visit her in Penang while she was furthering her Bachelor degree in USM. It took me 6 years to make it happened. Then after the visit, I promised her again to update a blog about our trip in Penang.Yes here goes my bad habit - easily make promises without thinking of my ability to fulfill it. Honestly, I was just bluffing to Julia in FB that I have started to do some ground stories about the trip but actually, I haven't start any. Sorry ye Julia. I'll keep that promise but I'm not sure how long will I take to do it. 

So in order to ensure that I will blog about the special trip, I just have to set up a plan so that it will boost my mood to update this blog regularly.

Here goes the TO-DO LIST:

1. Trash all the blog links that are no longer active.
2. Change the category list. 'Rumors' is no longer relevant to me because I'm not good in following the latest news in Malaysia.
3. To include 'Haku.went.traveling' and 'Haku.getting.married' categories. Hehehe..
4. To put watermark on all the photos and reference - supaye tidak kena saman di kemudian hari.
5. Find some interesting blogs to be linked from here.
6. Add more posts!
7. Need to change the blog design due to lame & boring layout - if I have the whole week off from work!

I dare to say that I will start by tomorrow because I have plenty of time at this moment to do all the list above. My workload is getting slow and my wedding preparation is buffering while waiting for September. In other words, I will have until early September to finish blogging about the 'Penang trip'.

Ok guys. Catch you later!

Special dedication to WORKAHOLIC!

I've been working late recently because of my endless workload..then I saw this in my friend's FB page. Seriously, dude.. it was scary.

Source - Anonymous

Can you see the words highlighted in the yellow box there? It is ABSOLUTELY the truth. What to do.. Life is cruel.

p/s: If you want to be the moon among the stars, you have to do something extraordinary. So build up your own skills and show it off to your boss. Don't forget to use your charming and sweet talk. Boss will recognize you and all the benefits & prospects are waiting for you..

Guys ARE like that..

Lelaki memang suke TERSASAR... sampai nak bagi nasihat pun jauh menyimpang..

Source - Anonymous

Don't pre-judge me. I'm just fooling around by putting this stuff. But one shall agree with me that GUYS are always tell the ladies something positive/beautiful even though the situation is not really pretty as it is. =P

p/s: Harga minyak tak jadi naik BUAT MASA INI. Jadi, marilah kita sama2 tunggu dan lihat perkembangannya. Ianya sgt penting ye utk saya yang bekerja di sektor minyak dan gas ini. Hmmm..

Bisnes suka hati

Source - Anonymous

If you were the customer, would you go in there?

I thought this is kind of unique way to attract the customers but it is not guaranteed in making big profit.. =P

The petrol price hikes up again!

We have been listening to this rumors since last year, 2009. So I found this in my company email and wanted to share with you the conclusion that some people made based on the upcoming petrol price. Before that you might want to read the source below before you read down the summary:

Summary from the article:

a) The mechanism of the petrol subsidy will be announced somewhere in March 2010.

b) Only citizens with MyKad are allowed to buy the petrol with subsidy. Foreigners MUST pay the price WITHOUT the subsidy. (I totally agree with that approach because the company that I'm currently working for pay a very high allowance + salary to the expatriates. Almost RM6000 for their total allowance for 2 weeks staying here? This is so ridiculous or maybe just because of the currency. Who cares!)

c) The subsidy system will be managed by Maybank (I wonder what are their precaution steps to avoid fraudulent?)

d) The subsidy mechanism test will be launched in the end of March or April.

e) The petrol subsidy is only limited to 200 - 300 liter per month depends on the engine capacity of the vehicle. Therefore, when the car owner has exceeded the 300 liter in a month (as an example) they have to pay the petrol price without the subsidy.

f) There will be no subsidy for the engine capacity of 2000 cc and above. (So now I feel lucky to drive a very cheap car with only 660cc.. =D)

g) Company cars are not eligible for the petrol subsidy.

h) The RON 95 petrol price after subsidized is RM 1.90/liter. Without subsidy shall be RM 2.10/liter. (subject to changes based on government announcement. It could be higher as what had happened during the last time they increased the petrol price. So watch out!)

i) The RON 97 petrol price without subsidy will be RM 2.50/liter.

Here are some suggestions that you should do as a USER:

a) If you own more than one car, change the car owner's to your wife, your children etc so that every car that you have can get the petrol with the subsidized price.

b) For those who bought a car without changing the official owner's name of the car, you better do it immediately to get the subsidy.

c) It is recommended to buy/drive cars with low engine capacity like KANCIL or motorcycle!

d) You should make a request to your top management to increase your petrol allowance to do your particular job because the 300 liter maximum only for personal use.

e) Ensure your MyKad chip can fully function.

f) Alert to all your relatives, friends, colleagues etc so that everybody will aware of this new petrol price and they can properly manage their future financial planning.

p/s: Soalan cepumas... Who's going to get the advantage of having the increase in petrol price??? The answer is...

Oil & Gas Companies!! Hehehe~ $_$


Hye everyone!

I would like to launch my new blog which I will publish it for public view. Basically this blog is a medium for me to discuss any open or general ideas about life, jobs, politics (maybe less as I am not really into politics and surely I don't want to get caught for writing something offensive to the government. Huhu..gonna save my ass first, for sure!), hobbies and etc.

Anyhow, this blog is still under development. The language used mostly Malay and English languages. You might find some grammatical errors everywhere in my post because I'm a very very technical person and really don't bother much about grammar. Hahaha..lame reason. Hopefully as time goes by, I will improve my writing skills..Insya Allah.. =)

So, my first post would be about..

Let it be a surprise..hehehe!
(I'm still suffering from period pain since this morning so need more time to write for the 1st post..huhu)

p/s: Do not click to any buttons above this post (Home, About, Contact, FAQ). It's only meant for decorations and didn't function well. Ces!

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